You remember the show line... "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause." Well... here's mine... "NO, Melanie... I don't put on my Wranglers and Ropers on Fridays." LOL But... I admit, I have a soft spot for Texas and Cowboys.. errr I mean, Cowgirls... or umm.. never mind, you know what I mean!!! LOL I LOVE Texas. I LOVE the Cowboys. And hey, any lady can make a fine looking Cowgirl! Right! Do I hear an AMEN!? *giggle*
Well, that's where I went with this card. The Color Challenge this week was to make a black and white card with ONE other color. I'm diggin my new set from Gina K... Theresa Momber's first set, Out West! I tell you when I lived in Texas... how fun it was to wear my boots, and my Stetson hat and just look so ssshhhweeeeeettt on the dance floor doing my line dance with the best of them. Hee Hee. Yeah... take a moment to see THAT in your mind! LOL But truly, I loved it.. just everything about Texas and still do!
MY boots were bone white leather with multi colored stitching on them and wow... the best lookin boots I'd ever seen! And my hat... well... of course... a Stetson... bone white as well. But, sadly things change and well.. I have no clue what happened to either :-( and some days I miss them. So I decided to bring those old feelings back with my entry for the Color Challenge.. black and white with ever so girl... pink!
Someday... I may find me just the right pair of boots again and who knows... maybe ya'll see ME on Dancing with the Stars!!! *snort*
Have a great day!