Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A Wild Happy Camper
Today I made my first card using Theresa Momber's new Happy Camper stamp set!! I believe this lady has a real gift for illustrating the great outdoors... her first set, Out West, was just as awesome as this new one. The good Lord certainly has blessed her with some wonderful talent!! Yayyyy Theresa!!! You can grab both sets at Gina K Designs!
I thought this cute little raccoon would just love a home of his own right near the river where he can get his favorite catch!! Hee Hee
I didn't mask anything but simply cut a slit along the tent and tucked him in just as far as I thought looked good and glued the fish to his paw. He is TRULY a happy camper now!
I also added a few "rocks" near the stream to of course make his choice of a home, the best place for this wild thing. *snicker*
Now for the "ohhh noooo" moment. Did ya ever work on something and had it all in mind and when it was all done... you went... "ohhhhhhhhhhh noooooooo!!!!"? Well.. that's what happened here. Between two kids and hubby talking to me and stopping me and running upstairs to check on dinner.. OH and let's not forget the dogs!... I FORGOT important stuff!! Like.. uhhh where did my sponged sky and ground go???? OMGosh!!! Oh and wait... my water wasn't done!!! Now... tell me... it's old age, isn't it??? HOW did I ever glue down the rocks and not think... "uhhh how about finishing the stream color... or the ground even!?!? *sigh* Well... I'm just glad you love me for all my brain warps I have.. hee hee. Wanna see even more examples of Theresa's fabulous set??? Stop over at StampTV and check out the gallery... you'll be in awww and believe it or not... those girls brains don't probably warp like mine does from time to time... LOL.
Have a "wild" and happy day!!

Monday, June 29, 2009
What a Coach!
I have to tell you right off, neither of my kids are in soccer!! Neither! And that kinda upsets me 'cause... well... I wanna BE a soccer mom!! LOL AND... secretly... I want them BOTH to get wore out running up and down that field!! HA HA!
I think my daughter would LOVE it... though she doesn't seem to be interested in it in the least. I DO think she will probably play softball someday.. she seems to really like when we take out the baseballs and bat. Though I admit... when I see her cute little smile I think "she's all girl and needs to be in dance or ballet or something girly". She does love her tumbling class. Time will tell, I guess.
In the meantime, I can HOPE to give a coach a card like this. I used Melanie's Sporty Accessories and some of that AWESOME nautical netting. I couldn't find something I really thought would work for the posts on the net so I just used a double layer of wire I had in my goodies drawer. The stars were punched from the Paper Temptress' Metallic Gold though you can't see the shimmer in the pic. Also... the picture doesn't pick up the fact that the netting is "bubbled" out and the ball is actually resting against it... not the card. Nooo.. I'm not a professional photographer... you can't tell???? LOL
The hat and "coach" were from Melanie's Just So Sporty set.
Have a great Monday and I hope your week is equally great!

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Eat Cake???
NOT a chance!!! I did this card for Lee Murphy's Pot Luck Friday Challenge on StampTV last week. Her challenge was to make a card with the ice cream flavor of chocolate chip mint ice cream as inspiration.
Wellll... not only do I TRULY detest this flavor... it almost kept me from doing the challenge! LOL
I know, silly, but... it's true. My daughter loves this flavor and whenever we go to the store and buy ice cream she seems to want it and I TRY my best to talk her out of it. LOL I'm such a bad bad mom, huh? Hee Hee It reminds me of my mom telling my dad once... "You're NOT putting THAT thing in MY freezer!"... when he brought home some animal he hunted and wanted her to cook. LOL (She always let him though.)
So here's what I FINALLY came up with. And NO... as yummy as it might look to you chocolate mint lovers, I'd NEVER eat this thing! LOL
I used Gina K's Sweetest Blessings stamps and I just LOVE the sayings in it. "Sugar pie honey bunch, you know that I love you!"... makes me sing every time. LOL And.. since it was a card for my girlfriend Lee's challenge, I wanted her to know that even though I'd never WANT this as a treat... I still luv her... *BIG GRIN*.
The DP is from a stash I had and the corner punches I got from Gina K as well.
Have a great Sunday, even if you DO like chocolate chip mint ice cream. I'll still luv ya! *wink*

Saturday, June 27, 2009
No Girls Allowed!
Well.... I can't help myself. I have more cards with Melanie's set Sporty Accessories.
This one started out as just a "room" design then with my son's birthday in sight, it quickly turned to a boy's birthday invite! HE loved it!!
I wanted it to look like a "snapshot" of his room so I cut each stamp out and popped them up with Mini Pop Dots from Gina K Designs (these are the BEST pop dots I've ever used... the paper peels away so much easier than anything I've used in the past). I used a "wood" print DP for the floor and cut it so it looked like a corner of the room.
On the inside I used the ball images from the Sporty Accessories set in a light blue so they didn't over power the invite writing. The invite words came from Melanie's Jumping for Joy set. I also used the new Bright Summer Grunge Paper from Emily Giovanni.... the color matched my card base so well. I have to tell you... my son's actual room color IS the color of the base of this card. You could land a plane by it WITH ALL the lights out in the house!! LOL Dad said they could pick their own room color and that's what he wanted. Lucky for me... my Emily ordered up lavender. I'm not sure if she truly likes purple or just knows that mom does... smart girl... brownie points are important. LOL
The "Girls Keep Out" was something I free-handed because he said... "I hope we're not inviting girls!" LOL But... to his credit... he did say... "Well... except my sister... she can always come." Awww
Have a great day... I know you're all sitting there trying to decide which NEW STAMPS to order today. I say, why ponder... get em all! Hee Hee 

Friday, June 26, 2009
Finally... an Angel Baby!
I made this card for a cousin who is just one of the most beautiful sweet girls I know. I mean truly... she is soooooooo pretty and always so soft spoken. She had been trying forever to have a baby and they didn't think she ever would. She's been pregnant a few times and lost a few and then one, they found had terrible things wrong and she had to actually have it aborted. It was just such an awful awful bad time for her and her husband.
When they took the baby it was big enough to have tiny little foot prints and her husband took the images and had them tattooed on himself. He was soooooo distraught over it all and I never saw a man I felt so badly for as he brought them to me still teary-eyed and said... "Can you take these and make a program for my baby's funeral for me?" *sniff sniff* It was so very very sad.
So on July 17th, she and her hubby will go to the hospital to have labor induced and they will have their first "Angel Baby". *BIG smile* I am so happy for them.
I know first-hand how hard it was to get pregnant... my oldest, Steven, took me 3 years of infertility treatments, trying on our own, crying and a little of my heart dying every time I didn't get pregnant. But God has a way and I knew once I finally had him... he was MY angel baby and there was a reason God wanted me to wait. He is still my pride and joy and I cannot believe the talented and smart son he finally gave to me. Oh... and to turn your tears to laughter... I remember holding him at home one day when he was still so tiny and when I went to pick him up I said... out loud... "Come see Aunt Tina." LOL I was sooooo use to being a aunt and never a mom. I never thought I would be a real mom. So I know how very very excited and happy they both are.
I made this card with Melanie Muenchinger's Wee Tees set. Pretty simple and easy card but I added some wonderful paper (cryogen white and candido iridescent) from the Paper Temptress to put behind the onsie thinking the shimmer of it reminded me of a cloud. Patricia's paper is truly beautiful in real life, this pic does not do it justice at all!! You MUST check them out.
Have a great day and hug your babies... no one can love us so unconditionally as our babies. *smile*

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Girls Rule!!
Well now... did you think that I'd be done using Melanie's new stamp set, Sporty Accessories yet???? NOT a chance!!!
This card was made with an attempt to use as many of the stamps as I could on a card! HA! AND... I wanted it girly!!! NOT so much to give to a girl... but... one a girl might eye and get for her guy. You know me and my warped sense of humor... LOL... I just HAD to pair it up with Gina K's stamp set... My Tailgate or Yours?.. (see inside) hee hee. The lips were from Melanie's A Charmed Life set.
I liked using pink on a male card.. it worked and how appropriate, huh? *wink* She even has a PINK golf ball!!!
So what do you say gals... "we can do anything better than men can"... Ha!! Kidding guys... ok??? *eye roll, grin* Have an all star day!!! 

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Simple Love
I did this card as an entry for Jessica's StampTV Sketch challenge. I really liked this layout so it was fun to do.
I am not sure where I got the striped DP but the flowers on it are felted and I wish I could get more.
Since I was using reddish/pinks/browns, I thought it would be fun to put a little lace under the corner piece... sort of an ol fashioned look if you will.
The stamped flowers are from Rupa's "With This Ring" set from Gina K Designs. This set has more than just "wedding" possibilities. I hope to show you more items to use it for other than just weddings.
Don't forget Gina K's new stamp sets are previewing this week and Thursday is the Release Party on Splitcoast Stampers! Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
One of Those Days...
You ever have one of those days when you see something that you think "Oh wow... I could totally use that to make something with." Then... to end up thinking... "hmmm... I have no idea what I'll do with this!"???
Well that day came. I was looking thru my "scraps" and found this (so I thought) great piece of "coral" paper with a swirled image stamped on it! Well... ding ding ding.. I struck gold!
Or NOT! I could NOT for the life of me figure out a way to use this. I mean I felt like part of my brain died. Is this what it feels like to loose your memory??? LOL
So... I struggled and honestly.. THIS is it! I came up with this and truly almost threw it in the trash. I was so frustrated and NOT thrilled but.. this is it. All I have for my WONDERFUL find to show you. Sheesh.
I would not have posted except that... I did something like 6 cards yesterday and when I was finished... honestly... I was ok with all of them. So this is my thought for you today... you may very well have those days when creating is just not working at all for you. Just a down right hard task to accomplish. But... remember... when you feel like you're your most uncreative... it could be... your brain just needs a little rest. Wake up tomorrow and SEE what you will do. There is always a tomorrow.... no matter what side of the country your brain is in! *smile*
This card used the Eclectic Summer stamp from Gina K Designs. I used my Sakura Gel pen to do the basket in white because I didn't want a wooden look to it. But... I admit.. I liked the colors of the flowers... hee hee.
Have fun creating today... and if it's to much for today... check back tomorrow.

Monday, June 22, 2009
Peaceful Waterlillies
Today is a simple post of my interpretation of Water Lillies. I need a bit of work on how to color in free-handed water, but it turned out ok... for now.
I made this card for Melanie's Blog Hop using her Year of Flowers stamp set from Gina K Designs. Melanie is teasing us all with a copy of her NEW set releasing THIS Thursday evening at Gina's Release Party. I cannot wait to see it!!! Do you think I'll want it??? Hee Hee
I even got a chance to use my new Copic markers my hubby bought me last Friday for our Anniversary!! WooHoo!!! I tell you what... that FedEx man never saw a woman answer her door so fast!!! LOL
Have a great day and remember to stop by Melanie's Blog to see all the cool entries for her Blog Hop. I believe she is announcing the winner tomorrow. Good luck everyone!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Another Zoo Break....
I can't help myself... I LOVE Melanie's Jumping for Joy with her Sporty Accessories set!! Were these guys just not MADE for each other? LOL Ok, maybe I'm just a bit quirky, but you have to admit... it's fun! LOL
Zack is soooooooo good at soccer. I mean, come on... he has FOUR feet!!! AND... girrrlll... forget about the other's catching him... he blends in (ok NOT on my card, but if I didn't dress him in red today he would blend in)!!! Now admit it, wouldn't you just die to have him on your team??? 
I used Gina K's FREE digital paper from StampTV for the background and her new Navy Pure Luxury Cardstock... love that paper!
Oh and by the way... Zack's favorite cheerleader, Olivia, likes riding WITH him, so make sure you head to Gina K Designs and grab em both (they come together, you know!) before another zoo break happens!! *smile*

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Need a Raise?
I don't know about you, but my chances are better getting a raise in a hot air balloon than they are on my paycheck! LOL
I think this balloon from Gina K's Eclectic Summer is so versatile. I've seen so many cards done with it. People have stamped them, colored them, paper pieced them and they are all just amazing!! You need to go check some out over on StampTV.
I took mine and colored it and popped it up with Pop Dots onto a scalloped oval. I popped each layer of my ovals up and even popped it up on the base card. I wanted it to look like it was floating off my card.
The paper I used was from Gina's Eclectic Summer kit as well. It sorta reminded me of layers of clouds but not the normal poofy white ones so I used it to stamp my greeting.
The base card is done on Gina's newest COLOR Pure Luxury Heavy Base Weight paper. I LOVE using this paper...it makes your cards feel so "top grade". Gina has other colors as well you will want to try and check out over at her store.
Have a great day!

Friday, June 19, 2009
Olivia's Ooomph!
How very cute is Olivia?? I just loved her from the moment I saw Melanie put her in HIGH HEELS!!! HA!! There isn't anything this girl can't do!
I KNEW she'd make a great cheerleader as well. Pom poms in ummm feathers(?), she could make any team proud as their mascot! This was her audition... she danced to "Shake your Grove Thing (ya ya)" Hee Hee! Olivia is from Melanie's "Jumping for Joy" set and her pom poms are a true asset to her abilities from "Sporty Accessories".
Now... please raise your numbers for Olivia... the cheering Ostrich! I give her a perfect "10" !!!
If you'd like to "hire" Olivia... she can be found at Gina K Designs. Just throw her in your basket... she rides well. *wink*

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I'm a Real Fan!!!
I am, you know??? A HUGE fan of Melanie Muenchinger's stamps!! So why not... a FAN from a fan!! Today I will share my latest "Sporty Accessories" project with notes on how I made it.
I do plan to give this to my Aunt as a small gift... just because. SHE is a huge FAN of the Iowa Cubs (we are home to the farm team of the Chicago Cubs)' I've NEVER known her to miss a single game. My father buys season box seats to the games and every year we give them to whomever wants to go or/and if no one uses them, my Aunt gets them with a front gate/stadium parking pass. Most times she gets at least one of the seats because no one is as crazy about going as she is in cold, rain OR heat! I hope this helps to chase away a bit of that heat during those really hot games because I KNOW she will be there.
I started with THREE pieces of Gina K Pure Luxury Base Weight white card stock. On the first side I sponged some clouds using a scalloped circle. THIS took probably the longest and was the worse part. About 4/5 of the way down I stopped and used my stipple brush to add some green in soft strokes upwards to resemble a bit of grass below.
Next... I stamped the gloves in black using Memento ink and then colored them in with my Copics. Since the sky is a light blue, I didn't worry about it showing thru my Copic color since I was blending and adding a bit of oranges and tans along with the browns. I used the bats to go up the side and stamped in the same method as the gloves.
On the flip side, I stenciled a big "C" on each sheet and sponged in the red. I then used a circle cutter shape I had from my old Creative Memories cutting pieces and went around each "C" using my blue Copic marker. Then I filled in around each "C" with the megaphones and baseballs. Again... on each outside sheet I stamped the bats and colored in with Copics.
I took each sheet and used my Scor-Pal to score every TWO inches across the sheet. THEN.... flipped the sheet over and scored again.. every two inches. By flipping the sheet, you will get a score every inch across the sheet and with the opposite fold lines so that when you accordion the sheet it folds much easier and in the direction needed.
Remember to match the next sheet up with the proper fold you need for the next fold in your accordion. BEFORE folding the accordion, I laminated each sheet separately with self-sealing sheets I got at Office Max. I used the repositional sheets because after 8 hours (or something like that) they become permanent.
I used Scor-Tape to glue one panel to the next sheet, overlapping a one inch panel over the other sheet's one inch panel. If you go slow and make sure you place your fingers along the crease, it will fold correctly. Hold it down and press hard as you make each fold. This makes for a very sturdy fan and hopefully it will last at least one whole season. LOL
I used my Crop-a-Dile to punch a hole every three or four folds.. just big enough for a clasp ring to fit through them all. Since this was for my Aunt... I decided to go pretty basic on the "dangles" from the ring. I just added a few wooden baseball buttons on some hemp and braided it. A more girly type fan I would probably add some ribbons and frilly items hanging from them.
Since I wanted my Aunt to be able to carry this in her purse to the games, I needed to bind it somehow at the top so it was more compact. I added a simple brad and before sticking it thru the hole, I threaded a small wooden bat button on some silver stretchy cording from SU and tied it in a knot then stuck the brad thru and made sure when I opened it I put the cording around each bent end. Now when closed she can wrap it around the end and it helps to keep it more compact.
Here are a few close ups of the stamped areas.

Make sense? LOL I'm not sure I do well with "written" instructions but if you have any questions, please feel free to write me. If you make a fan... please be sure to let me know... I'd love to see it. Or... post it on StampTV so we can all see your wonderful one-of-a-kind creation.
Hop on over to Melanie's Blog to see another 3D item I created using her "Sporty Accessories" set!! Have a COOL day! *snort*

Caring.... for a Man
Today I wanted to share the card I made for my father-in-law who recently lost his sister. I always seem to use "earthy" tones when it comes to making a card for a man and this was no exception.
You all know how much I love the seahorse stamp in Gina K's Eclectic Summer set so it should come as no surprise I chose him again when making this card.
My kids found my tiny box of seashells that I had bought some time ago and I thought they were perfect to compliment this card.
Jake, my father-in-law, loves fishing, hunting, walking and just being outside so I knew he'd like anything dealing with water, sea life. He's also a very content and happy person and I just thought the relaxing look of the seahorse and seashells would fit him perfectly. He never seems to ask for much and honestly.. I don't know that I've ever felt more than respected and loved by a nicer person. I, in turn, feel very happy and lucky that HE is my father-in-law. I am blessed by having him in my life. He has the greatest smile and little chuckle of a laugh that just makes MY heart smile. I hope he knew how sorry I was for his loss and that I care very deeply for him as well. He's been going through a lot and I pray God will watch over him and keep him smiling for a long long time.

Monday, June 15, 2009
Have a Bright Summer!!
Today I wanted to share something to BRIGHTEN your day!!
I LOVE the papers that came in my StampTV kit this month and one of my very favorites, because I AM such a colors person, is the rainbow pin striped design! Seems all weekend long all I heard from my daughter was... "Mom... can we get some sherbet!.. Mom.. can we get some Jelly Bellys." Well once she got her sherbet, I remembered Gina K's new "Free with Three" stamp set "Lazy Days of Summer" and the yummy little bowl of ice cream in that set. OF COURSE Emily had to have ALL three flavors of sherbet so I sat down and using my Copic markers, made them as bright as I could.
I decided to border the edges a bit with my metallic bling "drops" and thought it sorta reminded me of those lighted billboards you see with all the little bulbs flashing around to draw your attention.
I used my Sakura Gel Pen to color the bowl and spoon making it a bit shiny and slightly raised. When I finished the card and took it upstairs, Emily shrieked.. "HEY! That looks just like the ice cream I had today!" LOL I was hoping! LOL
My husband is a HUGE ice cream fan as well and a couple years back we decided to start a new family tradition. Once a month, during the summer, we all go out for ice cream... for DINNER!!! That is by far, my kids' favorite dinner all summer long... even better than FFY night (fend for yourself!). LOL A busy mom needs some breaks too, right?
Oh, and.. Emily didn't get her Jelly Belly's, but... summer isn't over yet! Hope your start of summer is turning out bright and cheery. 
Friday, June 12, 2009
Not So Steel Magnolias!
Today I wanted to share with you some of the cutest little images I've seen in awhile. These little Magnolia stamps are just as sweet as can be! My good buddy, Jessica Fick, hooked me up finding these darling little dolls and I just loved getting my hands on these and coloring away.
There are so many ways you could mount this stamp. I used a stack of books which also came from the Magnolia stamp line but how cute she would be perched in front of a house, on a rock next to a tree, or even on a crescent moon?? The possibilities are endless. I wanted to send this to a friend who LOVES to read so I used the books.
I also wanted to use the new lined vellum I got from the Paper Temptress. I thought a soft background would look nice behind her and this seemed to do that along with somewhat add a bit of a feminine look.
My background paper is from Gina K's digital paper pack called Springtime In Paris. I just love all the purples and blues in that pack. Remember, Gina offers FREE digital paper over on StampTV. You can't beat that for a bargain (no bags needed)!!
While I am becoming a die-hard Gina K Designs fan, this little image was a fun card to make. Enjoy your day and smile simply because you're loved. *hugs*

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Home Team Coach
What goes better with ICE hockey than a polar bear??? LOL
I just HAD to use the polar bear from Melanie Muenchinger's "Jumping for Joy" when I saw the "Sporty Accessories" had an ice hockey stick and puck in it!!
Of course he's the coach!! Who would know more about ICE hockey than a polar bear??? Huh?? Hee Hee
He's just "chillin" (ha) cheering on his team with extra pucks at hand. And what coach goes out without his "coach" hat!!!! of course, this came from Melanie's "Just So Sporty" set.
I used my Cuttlebug snowflake embossing folder. Wouldn't be the best game ever without a little snow for the ol coach himself to feel more at home!
You just can't miss using all of Melanie's other sports themed sets along with this new one. Trust me... they are ALL laid open around me as soon as I start creating.
Be sure to hop on over to Melanie's Blog to see what other card she is featuring of mine. I'm becoming a "sports junky" with this awesome set!! Join me! You can grab your set at Gina K Designs and if you like this set... you'll definitely need her other sporty sets so don't forget Gina's awesome "Free with Three" offer... get them all at once!!!
Have a great day and keep "chillin"... hee hee!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Let's Team Up!
I've just been itching to share some of the cards I made using Melanie Muenchinger's newest set, "Sporty Accessories", so even though it's not Thursday, I'm sharing another.
I live in south Des Moines and that means we are about 5 minutes from the heart of Downtown and also 5 minutes from the nearest suburb of Indianola, Iowa. Indianola is where every summer they have the International Hot Air Balloon Festival and they also have the Hot Air Balloon Museum. EVERY year since we are so close to the open land between the two cities, we get to see hundreds of hot air balloons - a LOT of them fly right over our house. Thinking back on last summer... we were eating dinner and our dog, Biscuit, was out back going crazy!! Don got up to check and one of the balloons was practically sitting in our backyard it was so close. HA HA Biscuit does NOT like intruders! Hee Hee The roar of the flames is just unbelievable to hear so close. We do enjoy seeing these and can even hop in the car and head to he launch site. I'm always amazed how many of the balloonists will allow others to help spread out the balloons prior to take off and after landing. It just makes for a beautiful summers day.
The card I did below using both the Sporty Accessories and Gina K's new Eclectic Summer Stamp TV kit reminded of sitting back in the lawn chair and just reading all the messages and seeing some of the gorgeous colors used on the balloons. You'd just be amazed at all the different things you see on these balloons. I love it.
I also used the tuft of grass from Melanie's Hip-Hop Accessories set as well as used a small amount of sponging so the grass looked a tad bit real. LOL I also covered a bit of the bat ends with some grass so it looked like they were dug in a bit and really holding that balloon... hee hee. I'll be back tomorrow with another card using Melanie's awesome new set!
Have a great sunny day... summer is just beginning!!!

40th Anniversary
I truly love Rupa's newest stamp set, With This Ring. It is both classy and very detailed. Rupa's illustrations are so amazing... clean crisp and just breath-taking.
I HAD to feature the Lustre paper from the Paper Temptress because I wanted an all black, red and white card and this paper just has such a "classy" look to it. I used my Stardust Glitter Pen on the "beads" surround the cake layers and my white Sakura Gel pen on the flowers between the red ones.
Red is the 40th Anniversary color and my parents seemed to just have theirs only yesterday but in fact it was 5 years ago!!! Time flies. I wish I had this set back then... I made so many "special" things for their anniversary party and it would have been perfect.
I'll be pleased to make it to 25 years let alone 40! LOL
Remember to stop over to StampTV and see all the other cards being shared using Rupa's newest set. Gina K certainly knows how to pick an illustrator!
Have a great day and think happy thoughts.

Monday, June 8, 2009
HA HA!! Do you remember the show?? Tom Hanks, Castaway. I love that show and I adored Wilson! LOL
I couldn't help but use the volleyball from Melanie Muenchinger's set Sporty Accessories. Of course I free-handed Wilson's face! LOL
Truly a VERY simple card but I just HAD to share it with you. It just made laugh all weekend every time I looked at it! LOL My son and hubby got a big kick out of it too.
I used Gina K's digital paper (Jersey Shore, which is FREE on StampTV!) and simply tore it.. then tore some kraft paper and Wah Lah!.. sand and surf! The DP cloud paper is from SU. "You're my best friend" is from Asela's Framed Friends set.

Thursday, June 4, 2009
I Received the Lemonade Award!

Today my stampin friend, Selma Stevenson, nominated me for the Lemonade Award!! This award is given to someone you feels show attitude and gratitude!! Selma is such a sweetheart and I was worried about her because she had been having some eye problems and now she is all better!!! Thank God for that 'cause Selma is one very talented card maker and I adore all her creations. Thanks Selma... you rock!!!
The rules for this award are...
*comment on this blog
*cut and paste the award logo and use it on your own blog
*nominate 5 to 10 blogs you feel show great attitude and gratitude
*link to your nominees within your blog post
*comment on their blogs to let them know they received the award
*link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation
I nominate the following fabulous blogs. They are all members of StampTV.
Theresa - http://craftingtheweb.blogspot.com/
Cathy - http://catdidit.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Do You Say Thanks Often?
Seems the nicest thing we can do for those who assist us, wait on us, and care for us is say "thank you". I don't always think we say it enough. It's such a good feeling to be appreciated and to actually be told that we are. My husband and I try very hard to teach our children how important it is do thank people.
My mother-in-law told me she sends little notes to nurses and those at the hospital whenever she or my father-in-law have to be admitted. The University of Iowa Hospital actually has forms that they put out to send a small thanks or note in the name of someone who treated, worked with you while you were admitted. I believe they get some kind of "caring" award for receiving one of these notes in their name. Such a nice thing to do! Thus, I never think I have enough "Thank You" cards on hand.
This simple card uses another one of the seahorses from the Eclectic Summer stamps from Gina K. I originally made three of them for my "Scared Fishy" card and decided to use only two so the extra went in my "hobo stew" pile. I just loved the colors and I knew I wanted to use it. I used my white "dotted Swiss" embossed paper I received my sweet friend Selma Stevenson and wrapped some organza ribbon around it to match the seahorse. Oh yes.. I must share Selma's great news and once again congratulate her. Selma was picked on StampTV to be one of the six chosen for Center Stage Spotlight Design Team for next month!!! Selma does such awesome cards and if you get a chance stop by and see her blog.. you'll know why she was chosen. Good work, Selma!!!
Have a wonderful day and... THANK YOU for taking time out of your day to visit my blog!

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