To show our support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we're going PINK . . . or at least our October boxes are! And because we know our subscribers want to share the love too, we will be making a donation on their behalf to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF).
Stampin' Up! will donate
- $1 for every active Paper Pumpkin subscriber.
- Plus, an additional $1 for every new subscriber.
Here's how you can help:
- Subscribe! If you're new to Paper Pumpkin, click here to get started. Your first kit will arrive in a limited-edition pink box that you'll want to hold onto forever-and we'll donate $2 becauseyou're new!
- Stay active if you're a subscriber so we can donate $1 for you. Only those who receive the October shipment will be counted for the donation.
- Spread the word! Help us get as many new subscribers as possible. Every current subscriber adds $1 and for new subscribers it's doubled, so let's get the word out and raise as much as possible.
- Remember, those who get the October kit will not only be donating to a good cause, but they will also get a one-time only, pretty pink Paper Pumpkin box! No one will want to miss it. Promise.
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) advances the world's most promising research to eradicate breast cancer. Founded by Evelyn H. Lauder in 1993, BCRF has raised more than $550 million to fuel discoveries in tumor biology, genetics, prevention, treatment, survivorship and metastasis, making it one of the largest non-governmental funders of breast cancer research in the world. This year BCRF has invested $58.6 million in research, to support over 235 researchers at leading medical institutions across six continents, including $11.6 million to the international Evelyn H. Lauder Founder's Fund focused on metastasis. By spending 91 cents of every dollar on research and public awareness programs, BCRF remains one of the nation's most fiscally responsible nonprofits. BCRF is the only breast cancer organization with an "A+" from CharityWatch, and has been awarded Charity Navigator's highest rating of four stars 13 times since 2002. For more information, please visit:
Additional Details:
- New subscribers are those who signed up between September 11 and October 10, 2015 and have not been a Paper Pumpkin subscriber at any time in the past.
- All funds will be donated in US dollars.
- Mini spoiler alert! The October project inside the pink box is just as awesome as always, but we should probably let you know that it is not a pink project. That's all we're saying. ;)
- Funds will be donated based on number of subscribers instead of boxes shipped. But, if you want more than one pink box, you can always increase your subscription quantity by logging into your account at before October 10.
Soooo.. you heard Christmas is coming soon, right? Ugh... I know.. me too!!! But.. I like to prepare and I'm guessing sales and deals are not far away in your mind as well. What about those PRE-holiday sales????
StampinUp! has sooo many amazing things on sale right now and I KNOW you don't want to miss out!! I've set up two new pages on my blog to help you find those and find them QUICK!! No rifling through the magazine or holiday catalog... so hop on here and you can find the WEEKLY DEALS along with the many, many items StaminUp! has in it's CLEARANCE RACK!!! How easy is that???
OH!!! AND... see this BEAUTIFUL butterfly thinlet?????
Regular $25
oh yes...
Look at this gorgeous thinlet in all it's glory....
Ohhhh you can't get much more delicate and prettier than that!!!
And there are more!!! Even a beautiful Christmas Ornament die! Just click on the tab above and see all the sales and deals.
Remember... the Weekly Deals are only good Tuesday, midnight (MT) thru Monday 6:50 PM (MT) so hurry and remember to check back every week for the latest updates!
If you need help, please feel free to contact me at my StampinUp! site HERE or e-mail me at Of course, find me on Facebook as well... HERE.
Oh and... happy shopping!!!

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